Membership has its benefits.

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Benefits of Membership


10. Build a better resume: Listing your professional membership on your resume is impressive to current or future employers as it shows that you are dedicated to staying connected in your profession.

9. Develop your leadership skills: Participate as an active leader by volunteering on a committee, organizing training, or creating a workshop to develop your skills as you give back to your organization.

8. Proclaim your professionalism: Show your pride in and commitment to our profession.

7. Become a mentor: Giving back can be the greatest reward and benefit. We do have student members who need high-quality clinical experiences.

6. Networking: By staying active on our website, Facebook private group and participating in our meetings (which can be done face-to-face or through live video-streaming), you will connect with others who face the same pleasures and struggles.

5. Opportunities for professional growth: We will be actively sharing information on practice trends, career opportunities, and educational items of interest.

4. Advocacy and policy issues: professional associations are a powerful collective voice. There are issues unique to Psychiatry and we stay informed by working as a group– and we are also informative to the larger organizations, of which Psych APRNs represent less than 3% of the membership. Who else has time and expertise to monitor ongoing legislative changes and legislative issues that impact Psych APRNs?

3. Updates in practice trends and legal issues that affect practice: Our members are always actively seeking out news that may affect us professionally. We use technology and social media to keep our members current on what is happening.

2. Strength in Numbers: In a peer organization, you have access to an established support system of experienced people who can share expertise and information. We partner with other professional organizations that we collaborate with such as TNP and the APRN alliance to communicate our unique practice issues.

And the number one reason:

1. The Go-To Resource for Psych APRNs: PAPN Texas is the combined voice of Psychiatric APRNs across our big state and we are a resource for each other. This is a rare opportunity to really share information and support each other to better our profession.